Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

Friday, July 11, 2010 at Deer Springs Ranch

Friday, July 11th, 2010 MEETING Minutes
at Deer Springs Ranch headquarters
at 1:00 pm

1. Welcome By Dirk Clayson, conducting
Prayer by Paul Brayton
Board Members Present:
Dirk Clayson President
David Turley
Ed Belinski
Brent Fullmer
John Harris (Arrived later)
Shawna Cox (Arrived later)
Staff Present:
Paul Brayton, ranch manager
Linda Alderman, Secretary/Reservation Clerk
Association Members Present:
Jodi Akers
Alan Aldredge, Kane County Emergency Manager
Earl Levanger, Kane County Fire Manager

We Skipped to Item 8. to accommodate our guests from Kane Co.
Earl Levanger presented the fire plan to eliminate excess fuel in areas needed to evacuate to cut down on fire danger. His crew will be up to clear the pilot area on the Meadow road just north of the rock quarry. Plans are to document the before and after of the work done.
Included in that fire plan, which will be on file with the Kane County Emergency Services will be a designated spot for a Helicopter landing area, designated camp spot for fire workers, and preliminary consent to dip into our ponds to fight a fire threatening the ranch. They are requesting written permission and consent for the plan.

2. Approval of minutes

3. Areas of Responsibility:
a. Roads and Fire Protection - Brent Fullmer
b. Ranch Activities, Fiance - Shawna Cox
c. Water Resources and Management - Ben Clarkson
d. Agricultural ad Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
e. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - John Harris
f. Legal and Public Safety - Ed Belinski
g. Ranch Communications and Reservations, Web development - David Turley

4. Financial Report : Linda Alderman

5. Update on water issues - Ben Clarkson
Ben was not present, Dirk reported we are still wanting to develop Leaf Springs. It will need to be approached strategically. The 40,000 gallon water tank is on the calendar to be worked on in early to mid August. Kerry Houston has requested $15,000 for the work. he will be staying at the ranch.
Water System expansion. There was an Action Item requested: Install PROV Valve is a priority. The widow of non-use in the lower cabins is this week July 12 - 15, or August 13 - 27, which Dirk said is too far away.
A Second Action item was requested: Motion to price & purchase a 12 stage 50 Gallon per minute 230Volt pump.

6. Agricultural and Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
The fence at Headquarters is good. Upper meadow Fence is in need of repair so cattle can be moved up.
The Crops are being mowed by the Johnsons. They have 80 cows on the ranch.
Paul will finish up the Cattle Guards
there is an area in Slide Canyon that used to have a stand pipe fed by a natural spring. That Springs has surfaced again this year. The area below it is in a natural depression that used to have water in it and water is flowing into that pond area again. It has been requested that this pond be desilted so it can hold water again. 30 years ago it did hold water and had trout in it. It has been named the "Slide Canyon Pond".

7. Irrigation Management
a. Water Management of Polliwog Ponds - no water
e. Water Management of fish ponds
The following ponds need the headgates finished. Larry Clarkson will be contracted to finish them.
b. Water Management of Red Reservoir
c. Water Management of Half Moon
d. Water Management of Hidden Reservoir

8. Roads and Fire Protection - Brent Fullmer
a. Ranch road maintenance
b. Johnnie Brown
c. Skutumpah There is a request for signs for tourists on the Skutumpah.

9. Ranch Activities - Shawna Cox
a. Activities to go on the calendar are:
1. Long Horn trail drive - JUNE 12 - did not happen. No participation.
2. Fourth of July Celebration - JULY 3 Very successful. The had a flag ceremony utilizing the new flag pole. Ken Lent donated the Pole and suggested the ranch budget in a New Flag every 6 months.
3. Ranch Olympics - AUGUST 12
4. Annual Board Meeting - SEPTEMBER 11
a. Tour of Ranch
b. Barbecue and Lunch
d. GPS devises have been purchased. Geo cache course has not been set up yet. Compass Course, Running Course, Plant/Animal search, to be available for anyone using the cabins.
e. The organizers for the Desert Foxes motorcycle races will be out this week to look over the route for a course and set it up. Brent Fullmer will be on hand to help and he also will maintain the course for future use by the Desert Foxes as well as ranch members.
f. Shooting range already exists at the windmill - add bails of Straw.
Organize the area and have targets available at the Ranch Mercantile.

10. Legal and Public Safety - Ed Belinski
The Ortolani's gate on Quarterhorse Road to lot 150 has been removed. It was asked that a thank you note be sent. And a caution/danger barrier be placed where the road to Lot # 150 begins. The owners opted to not put a culvert in at this time when the ranch offered to do the work.
There was a discussion about the purchase of Dead End Road signs for the ranch one to be placed on Quarterhorse Road. Metal or wood? It was decided to use wood that would match the existing signs in the shed but place them higher up so snow in the winter will not obscure them. Linda Alderman has found a sign maker in Fredonia who can possibly make them.
The 2 lawsuits that the ranch was involved in were decided in the Ranch's favor. DSROA is no longer in litigation.

11. Ranch Manager's report - Paul Brayton
a. Bed frames and box springs that have been purchased. - done
b. Fencing Plans - upper meadow in desperate need.
c. Ranch House Roof a fall project, Bunk house and Cow Palace.
d. Decks on cabins 2 - still needs repair. #4 is done.
e. Tractor is back but not working.
f. Water Systems soon to be fixed. Windmill blew down will be placed at the Headquarters for aesthetics and a solar pump will be placed on that well. Paul will ask Walter Cluff to come back to do this work.
g. Ranch Fuel was purchased from a supplier in St. George. Long time fuel supplier Jenkins Oil, will not come out to Deers Springs Ranch unless we pay a $400. delivery fee, because of the poor shape of the roads. OK for Johnson's to buy.
h. Barn Structure has been re-roofed. Dave Turley found while working on the roof that the structure of the barn is questionable. It was decided that
1.) A cable will be installed on the south end from East to West.
2.) Brace it North and South from the apex of the roof to the center Beam.
3.) Structural Pine from the Button's lot will be milled by Brent and fit to replace
the South East column.
4.) They will suck the Tenon in.
5.) And elevate when done.

12.Roof panels were installed on the barn in June. Would it be possible to have a loader/fork lift there for Pavilions at upper pond. - Dave Turley
We will need trenches dug, upright supports installed in concrete
date set for installation of frame and roof panels.
Some type of equipment will be needed to lift the purlins and panels up 12' to 14'.
Some 2x8 or 2x10's were installed to finish the dock on the middle pond.

13. Door for Cabin #6 and reconstruction on decks of Cabin #2. Paul needs to acquire supplies for Brad Bull who will to fix them. - John Harris

14. Corrections still needed for deed restriction because the restriction to allow 2 cabins per lot was never recorded. Legal - go ahead and do it at annual meeting.
get out newsletter.

15. County Zone Changes - Write letters. Update. Currently zoned Fores Recreation - Please add this designation to current rec R9 is not acceptable. Still being worked on by Dirk.

17. Jodi Akers is seeking approval of structure on their property and approval for tree removal. Board asked for a plot plan with lines of set back from the property line and roads. 2 copies of letter of approval to haul water were given to Jodie.

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